• A Recognized Service Organization of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

Hard working missionaries from Bethany Lutheran, Parma OH

A missionary team P1080342-2from Bethany Lutheran, Parma, OH, led by Pastor Gary Hill is in Jacmel Haiti this week. Activities during P1000509the first three days of the trip included many vacation bible schools, electrical workshops to teach Haitians the basics of electrical repair, painting the outside wall of the JOHN 3:16 Guesthouse wall and as the week goes on painting the entire John3:16 verse in French on the wall. English as a second language was also taught to young Haitian children.

Bulk food was purchased and sorted and given to the older Haitians that are part of the elder care program , after church on Sunday..

Their congregation sent many clothes, humanitarian supplies and fun stuff for the children of the First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Jacmel Haiti as well as the kids at the Center of Refuge Orphanage.

Here is a photo gallery of this weeks activity so far.


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