Last week Ministry In Mission (MNM) met in Haiti with Rev. Ross Johnson, Director of Disaster Response of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod(LCMS). The purpose of the trip was to assess the work currently being done in relief of the damage caused by Hurricane Matthew last October.

The first phase which was completed in Feb 2017 was to put roofs on the local Pastor’s homes. This allowed them to take care of their congregations and not be concerned about their personal situation.
The current phase is the construction of roofs on local churches. The “Mother” church, The First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Les Cayes, Haiti sustained substantial damage, the large roof was completely torn off and the sanctuary of the church sustained water damage.

Along with several congregations in the United States, LCMS Disaster Response contributed funds to restore the church. The work is being coordinated by Rev. Paul Touloute, Southern District President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (ELCH). The metal trusses were in place and the custom ordered sheet metal was delivered the day we arrived Construction workers started the process of placing the metal on the trusses.

The reconstruction the roof on church in Carrefourre Duclo, Haiti was complete. Meeting with the Pastor of the church Rev. Jean Claude Versaillot was eye opening. Pastor Jean has been at this church for 19 years. He related to us how he and Pastor Israel Isidor had to combat the forces of Voodoo when they established this church.

a number of other churches are in various stages of reconstruction.