On February 5, 2017, Rev. Ross Johnson, Director of Disaster Response for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), Rev. Jacob Deal from Sts. Peter and Paul Lutheran Church in Sharon PA, Rev. Paul Toulotte, Southern District President for the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti, his wife Jeannie Toulotte and Jackie and Mark Rychel from Ministry In Mission headed to Jeremy Haiti to see the recovery efforts that have been financed by the LCMS.
Before heading to Jeremy the team visited 3 wells recently dug by Water for Life as part of the relief effort. Seven more wells are to be dug, some in very remote areas. Special thanks to Jeff and Kim Nyquist from St. Peter Lutheran Church in Schaumburg IL for leading that effort and the LCMS for funding it. It was so special to stand there and watch people come to the well for fresh water.
Traveling to Jeremy and beyond was difficult by four wheel drive with very rough or no dedicated roads but so worth it.Tuesday we left Jeremy at 7am and returned at 9 pm. We met with many Pastors in the mountains of Haiti, viewed their new roofs that the LCMS had paid for and assessed the damage to their churches as part of the next wave of relief. We also brought as much Rice, Beans Pasta an oil as we could carry to help these people whose crops were wiped out by the Hurricane. We also prayed and had short devotions with the
At the end of the trip we had a meeting with 10 Pastors, some drove two and a half hours by motor cycle to meet with us. We listened to their concerns and needs. Their main concern was not physical but spiritual. They wanted more biblical training so that they could serve their congregations better.
Below is a video clip of part of one of the short devotions in the mountains